4 Tips to Get Rid of Mold and Keep Your Home Healthy

No one likes to think that mold might be growing in their home. Unfortunately, it may be present without you even knowing it. Why? Mold loves all those creepy, dark places we hesitate to go- it would be the perfect main character for a scary movie. Mold hides in warm, dark, humid locations where bacteria […]


Getting Rid of and Preventing Household Pests

It’s summer, and for most homes that means the arrival of a few house guests, and not the family kind. No, summer means visits from a variety of insects that can quickly take over your home, making your living space an uncomfortable place to be. Invasions of the bug kind can happen to anyone. These […]


Keeping Your Home Clean During Summer When You Have Pets

When you own a pet, whether it is a dog, cat, or hamster, there’s a special kind of bond that develops between your family and that pet. Over time, they become more than the animal you play with a few times a day or that extra mouth to feed. They become part of your family […]


When a Company Says They’re Green, What Does This Mean?

The good news: Many individuals today are realizing the health, safety, and positive effects on the environment a green company and green products can have. We’re educating ourselves, and we’re making better choices in every area from organic produce to natural cleaning products and pesticides, and that’s a very good thing. The bad news: Unfortunately, […]
