Spring Cleaning Your Bedroom 2014

Spring cleaning lists have the tendency to grow into monstrous projects that never get completed. We have found that it is much more effective to split your spring cleaning up into rooms and take on one room per day. Today we are going to talk about spring cleaning an adult’s bedroom (we will be talking […]


New Year, New Habits

Habits, they can either work for you, or against you. Personally I have a habit of setting my wash cloth on the counter in the bathroom and taking it out. So by the end of the week I have a counter full of dirty wash cloths, ew! In this scenario I would say my habit […]


5 Things Guests Notice About the Cleanliness of Your Home

Maybe I’m just a really judgmental person, but when I’m invited into someone’s home for the first time there are a couple of things that I notice. These things help me decide whether this person is clean or…not. I know I’m not alone in this. You have to admit that when someone has hairballs rolling […]


What Your Desk Mess Says About You

It’s okay to admit it. At one point or another during your career, you’ve glanced over at the haphazard pile of rubbish your colleague calls a workspace and raised your eyebrows a little in surprise. It’s not shocking; their cubicle is full of half-filled coffee mugs, the walls are covered in yellow post-it notes, and […]


Tips for Cleaning Those Tricky Areas Around the House

Making the decision to deep clean your house doesn’t seem like a big commitment. It isn’t until your two hours in that you realize how dirty your house actually is, and how time consuming cleaning it can be. We tend to think that the part that takes the longest is cleaning all the little nooks […]
