How to Work From Home Without Losing Your Mind

These days, more and more people have the unique opportunity to work from home. Many of them enjoy this freedom, because it allows them to spend more time with their families, eliminates their travel time, and allows them to save money on business attire. Working at home isn’t without its perks, but it can also […]


Top 4 Worst Home Odors and How to Get Rid of Them

As homeowners, we all want our homes to smell fresh and lovely. Sometimes, however, no matter how much we scrub and clean, odors still remain. They are often attached to certain objects, like the garbage disposal or washing machine, and are hard to get rid of. Many products are available today to rid our homes […]


Essential Oils and Zests to Bring to Smell of Spring into Your Home

Six more long weeks of winter- at least according to the groundhog. If you’re tired of snow and cold weather, start the warm season early by invigorating your home with the smells of spring. Don’t think using a few essential oils will brighten your mood? Think again- it’s scientifically proven. Our sense of smell triggers […]


Spring Cleaning Your Bedroom 2014

Spring cleaning lists have the tendency to grow into monstrous projects that never get completed. We have found that it is much more effective to split your spring cleaning up into rooms and take on one room per day. Today we are going to talk about spring cleaning an adult’s bedroom (we will be talking […]


How Dangerous is the Dust in Your Home?

When you think “home” you think safe, comfort, relaxation. Rarely, if ever, does a person associate their home with danger. The scary truth is, your home is perpetually being covered in a layer of dust. Whether it be visible or not, it’s there. What’s the big deal? Dust is just…dust, right? What many people don’t […]
