Hiring a Maid- Is it Worth the Money?

One of the first questions people ask themselves when they begin thinking about hiring a housekeeper from Greenapple House Cleaning is “Is it really worth the money?” Many struggle with the decision of hiring a maid versus cleaning their home themselves. After all, why pay for something you can do yourself? The truth is, though, […]


How to get What you Need From Greenapple House Cleaning Service

Life is crazy and extremely busy, isn’t it? Every day, you find yourself making the choice between spending what little time left you have after work with your family or spend it cleaning your home. The choice isn’t difficult. After all, while you like your home to be to clean, your children will only be […]


6 Ways to Green Clean With Baking Soda

Bicarbonate of Soda. Most of us know it as baking soda. We keep a box or two stashed away for those times when we’re hungry for home-made bread or other recipes that require it. Did you know, though, that baking soda isn’t just an ingredient? It’s actually a very effective and eco-friendly cleaning agent that […]


4 Reasons you Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About Hiring a Maid

When it comes to hiring a maid, many people feel guilty- especially women. There’s a stigma that comes with it. People think that women should be able to get it all done themselves. They should raise the kids, have a high-powered career, and keep the house clean. The truth is, though, they can’t, and that’s […]


7 Tips for a Green Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a delicate time, and one of the most important times to avoid the harmful chemicals that are often found in personal care products, conventional cleaning supplies, and even our food. Studies have shown over the years that unnecessary exposure to these chemicals can have a negative effect on the health of unborn children […]
