How to Create a Weekly House Cleaning Schedule

Whether you have two, or ten people living in your home, it seems that messes accumulate just as quickly. Once the dirty dishes have overtaken your whole kitchen counter, your laundry baskets are overflowing and there are random piles of junk lying around, cleaning can be a bit overwhelming and time consuming. So how can […]


How to Clean Those Tough Areas of Your Home

Every home has those areas that no matter how hard you try, no matter how determined you are, you there are stains that you just cannot get rid of. Some of them are in the bathroom, some in the kitchen, and some in the bedrooms. Regardless of where they are, they take away from the […]


How Activelon Water Technology Helps You Say Goodbye to Chemicals

When you think of clean, is there anything more pure than water? We don’t think so, and we aren’t alone. Many people all over the world are ditching the harmful cleaning solutions and solvents and instead embracing water’s ability to properly and quickly clean dirt. Unfortunately, the water from our taps isn’t always spring clean. […]


Green Cleaning for Kid Prints, Spills, and Sticky Messes

I finally watched the movie “The Switch” the other day. In it, Jennifer Anniston is the mom of a neurotic, yet charming six year old boy. In one scene the young man refuses to eat the roast duck that is brought to the table. “Do you know how they treat ducks that are raised for […]


Keeping Your Home Clean During Summer When You Have Pets

When you own a pet, whether it is a dog, cat, or hamster, there’s a special kind of bond that develops between your family and that pet. Over time, they become more than the animal you play with a few times a day or that extra mouth to feed. They become part of your family […]
