Spring Cleaning Your Bedroom 2014

Spring cleaning lists have the tendency to grow into monstrous projects that never get completed. We have found that it is much more effective to split your spring cleaning up into rooms and take on one room per day. Today we are going to talk about spring cleaning an adult’s bedroom (we will be talking […]


How Dangerous is the Dust in Your Home?

When you think “home” you think safe, comfort, relaxation. Rarely, if ever, does a person associate their home with danger. The scary truth is, your home is perpetually being covered in a layer of dust. Whether it be visible or not, it’s there. What’s the big deal? Dust is just…dust, right? What many people don’t […]


Dear Manufacturers – Just Come Clean About What’s In That Bottle Already!

We’re becoming increasingly concerned about our health and safety, and with good reason. For some of us, the journey of awareness starts with the food we put in our bodies. Once we realize that many of the major food manufacturers and fast food chains don’t have our best interests at heart, we start to explore […]


New Year, New Habits

Habits, they can either work for you, or against you. Personally I have a habit of setting my wash cloth on the counter in the bathroom and taking it out. So by the end of the week I have a counter full of dirty wash cloths, ew! In this scenario I would say my habit […]


5 Tips to Raising Tidy Kids

Keeping a child’s room clean is a full time job in itself. When you add cooking meals, cleaning floors, doing laundry, washing dishes, your actual full time job and the rest of your parental duties…it’s basically impossible to keep up. So what is a mom (or dad) to do? Let the kids take care of […]
