Just wanted to say we’re very happy with the cleaning service. Could you please let me know when Candace is next booked to come to our house? I think it should either be next week or the week after.

— Sarah and Mark

I was impressed with the level of commitment your staff showed to the quality process you’ve put into place with the business. I was very happy with the job they did.

— Andre Jupp-Harrison

Second to none service. I will highly recommend you to my friends and family.

— Laura Camperatti

When a husband notices when something is clean that is a compliment! We were both very pleased with the quality of cleaning — thank you. Holly was also great. Looking forward to each week!

— Kim

My husband and I own a business together and have been using cleaning services for our home for some time now. I am so glad we received your information. We have never had as good a job as your staff did in a short 3 hour visit in our condo. Thank you so much. We’ve already scheduled again for next month.

— Leanne & Raymond Gervais

We are VERY impressed by the cleaning today. Holly did amazing at getting all the hair and dust out. It feels amazing to breathe! Not only did the cleaning meet our expectations in terms of the hair, dust and floors, but we keep noticing all the nice details she worked on. Windows, our glass/wood chest in the dining room, magazines, towels — I feel like I’m at a hotel!

— Caralina Fisher

This is the best service we’ve ever hired and by far the most thorough job we’ve ever had applied to our home. Thank you so much.

— Monica Turner

I like the fact that it’s not a new person visiting my home every time. I’ve come to look forward to seeing the Greenapple car pull up in the driveway. Sonja does the most amazing job.

— Barbara Carruthers

You guys are the absolute best. If I could hire you every day, I would.

— Patrick Garrison

Your cleaner just left and did a great job. I sent her with my credit card information for billing. I will contact you again shortly to rebook for the next time.

— Donna Smith

We offer a different kind of clean. 

Read more about us, request a quote, read our testimonials, or contact us directly.

Request a cleaning quote online

Or call now: 613-435-5955

The Greenapple Clean Personal Guarantee redefines professional cleaning

Health, safety & the environment

We use only non-toxic, chemical free, environmentally-certified and sustainable cleaning products that create a natural freshness.

Strict, high standards of clean

We guarantee a truly thorough and high standard of clean based on our 20-point home clean checklist.

Your satisfaction is our goal

We take pride in our work and make our best effort to satisfy your cleaning needs.

Learn more about Greenapple Clean

We are Ottawa’s healthy and environmentally sustainable professional house cleaning service. Our approach to cleaning your home is different than anything you’ve ever experienced before. Our premier home and house cleaning services include our 20 Points of Cleanlinessthe Greenapple Health Promise and the Greenapple Clean Personal Guarantee. We consider the environment and your family’s health and wellness to be equally important and key aspects to our business. We use only certified Dustbane environmentally sustainable cleaning agents and products, non-toxic and chemical free, accredited with Canada’s EcoLogo. We also use biodegradable microfibre cloths and throwaways when cleaning your home as well as custom built commercial grade HEPA filtration vacuums. Learn why we offer a different kind of clean.

Request a quote, read our testimonials, or contact us directly.